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bridal shower

Bridal Shower Invites 101: Details You Should Never Miss

Just like with wedding invites, there are etiquettes surrounding bridal shower invitations that need to be followed, although many of them can be quite tricky. How should these invites be worded? What are the essential pieces of information that must be included?

Bridal shower invites should be sent out at least six to eight weeks prior to the event so as to give the guests enough time to prepare and adequately spread the news about an upcoming party. While it’s similar to a wedding invite in a sense that it provides important details about an event, it has a much more casual, playful approach which can be a little difficult to get right.

But, there’s no need to worry. If you offered your help to host this fun-filled event for that special bride-to-be, here’s a guide to help you figure out what exactly you need to include in those letterpress invites or invitations:

The name of the guest of honor

Some bridal showers now include the groom, as many hosts and organizers feel like this can be an important event to celebrate the couple. However, it can leave many guests feeling confused. So, if you’re planning to host a coed shower, don’t forget to put the groom’s name on the invitation.

This is to let everyone know that it’s now a ladies-only event. But, if it’s a party exclusively for the bride, feel free the keep the groom’s name off the invite.

The date, time and location

wedding invitationThese are three of the most important details your invitees will look for, so make sure these are all written in fonts that people can read easily. Dates can be the most confusing, so instead of using the numerals, spell out the month instead.

For example, instead of writing 08-10-20, which can be either read as August 10th, 2020 or October 8th, 2020, spell out the name of the month to make it as clear as possible. As for the address, you can just put the name of the restaurant or the venue and let the guests use their Google maps.

But, if it’s in a residential property, of course the address still needs to be specified.

RSVP details

This is a very important detail on the invite, yet many still tend to forget about this bit. Other than to invite people, the purpose of sending these invitations is to get an estimate of how many people are actually going to come, so it’s important that there’s a way for the invitees to RSVP properly.

This can help organizers figure out how much food and beverages to order as well as any activities they want to plan. So, don’t forget to put the name of the person the guests should contact if they can attend or not, along with an email address, phone number or social media account.

The name of the host or hosts

This part isn’t exactly a requirement, but it’s a nice gesture to include the name of the person responsible for throwing the party, especially if there’s more than one. This is so the guests will know who they should thank for the event as well as who to reach out to if they need any clarifications.

No need to put the host’s name. A simple “Hosted by (name)” or “Hosted by here fabulous bridesmaids” would be enough.

This is just one way you make a bridal shower invitation. There are a lot more. Or you can make your own!

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