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Heat Conservation: Loving Your Future House But Not the Cold

When you’re looking for a house, sometimes you’re faced with challenging decisions. For example, you may love pretty much everything in one of your choices, but it’s drafty and too cold for comfort. Do you fix it up when you finally buy the house, or do you look for another? Here are some potential issues and solutions that you may want to consider.

Inspect Insulation

One of the things that you should check if you’re feeling cold is the presence of insulation. It serves to protect the house from extreme temperatures, keeping you comfortable inside. So when you don’t have it, it will get hot and cold as quickly as it does outside. Common areas that should have it are the attic and the walls. If you find that you lack it, then it would be best to call on the professionals to install it. Putting on insulated roofing systems would also be pretty good if you have the budget after you move in.

Work on the Windows

woman looking out the window

If you’re looking into purchasing an older house because of the cost, there’s a chance that you’ll only have single-pane windows. These usually let heat and cold through easily, so you’d better do something about that. A possible solution would be to replace them with newer models. But if that’s too much, then you may want to put on some storm windows instead. If you wish to have added insulation, you can add thick window treatments such as quilted curtains later.

Look for Leaks

When you find a home to be drafty, there’s a possibility that you have leaks. It doesn’t just have to be in a form that you would easily see, like a big crack on the wall. Cold air can also get in through parts where the caulking is coming off and under the front door when the weather stripping is gone. If you have an infrared thermometer, you can use it to look for cold spots. You can solve this once you’re moved in by re-caulking from the inside and replacing the stripping.

Have an HVAC System

Some houses don’t have a system in place that would raise the temperature enough to make you warm. In this case, when you move in, you would want to put an HVAC system in with the help of a contractor. For best results, especially in a big house, you would want to have it with a programmable thermostat. It saves energy on heating your home, and if you make it separate for each room, you’re sure to get the right temperature for each.

Draftiness doesn’t have to be much of a problem when it comes to choosing and purchasing a home. There are various solutions that you can bring in once you’ve moved in. Of course, you should still check if you have enough funds for it and if the price is right for a house with these kinds of issues. The final decision is up to you, but it should be a well-informed one.

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