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Tips for First-time Home Renovations

Home renovations can be incredibly stressful, especially for homeowners who have never done it before. It pays to know what you’re going to get into and how best to prepare for everything. This will also guarantee that things go as smoothly as possible. Here are some practical tips to keep in mind before renovating your home:

Consult with a general contractor

A general contractor can help you oversee the renovation of your home in a timely manner and within a budget. They have experience with materials, sources, and construction, so they can take care of the most difficult parts of renovation for you. They’re not hard to find, so you should hire one for your project as early as possible. If you live in Fort Wayne, you’ll have no trouble finding a trustworthy building contractor. Don’t forget to ask a lot of questions and stay on top of what is happening and why. You can also work with them to create a list of items that must be purchased and any deadlines to meet for decisions. This helps keep everything transparent.

Plan everything early

Prevent delays and major issues by properly planning everything in advance. Keep track of your budget, materials, and decisions. As much as possible, know exactly what you want. These things might change according to the advice of your contractor, but it helps to have a solid overview of how you want the project to turn out. Don’t hesitate to voice out your concerns and to ask your contractor questions so that you can factor as much information as possible into your early plans.

Don’t underestimate the costs

home construction or renovation

Before you push through with your renovation, make a detailed budget of any expected costs you’ll have to shoulder. You can speak to your contractor about this to get a rough estimate. Make sure that you add at least 20% more to what you expect your project total to be. If it seems too costly, then you can always either postpone it until you’re able to get the funds or adjust your plans to cut costs wherever possible.

Find temporary housing

This tip is only applicable if you’re doing major renovations or if you’re renovating an area of the house that is hard to live without, like for example a bathroom or your kitchen. It will be incredibly inconvenient for you to live without being able to cook your own meals or take a proper bath. Lock down your temporary housing way before construction starts so that you can plan your move accordingly.

Protect your valuables

A major overhaul will affect almost every area in your house, so you’ll need to take away furniture that will get in the way of these renovations. Take down pictures, pack away valuables, and move fragile objects away before any work begins. You should also safeguard your immovable fixtures, such as chandeliers and built-in cabinets. Place cardboard sheets or drop cloth canvas over your flooring so that it isn’t damaged by falling debris or paint.

Proper planning and efficient communication ensure that your house renovations won’t be giving you a headache. It’s better to be prepared than regret everything during and after the project.

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